University of Granada – Summer School Courses

Course listing and descriptions

Spanish Language and Culture

Scholarships up to €1000 are available

Intensive Spanish Language and Culture Classes are listed below.

For each 4-week session – June or July – you have the following options:

Option 1: Choose one class from the Intensive Spanish courses (3 credits) below and two classes (1.5 credits each) from the Language and Culture Course section. 

Option 1: Choose two classes from the (3 credits) selection from the Language and Culture Course section. 

Option 2:  Choose 4 classes (1.5 credits each) from the Language and Culture Courses.

Intensive Language and Culture Classes – 3 credits 


Course title: Spanish Language

Credits: 3 US

The “Spanish Language” course provides an overview of each of the levels that are taught in this course. 


Course title: Spanish and Latin American Literature

Credits: 3 US

Students will study the most historical and literary works known for Spanish and Latin Literature.

Course title: Spanish Literature, Flash Fiction and Postmodern Aesthetics

Credits: 3 US

Students will study mid 19th century to present literary articles. They will analyze the social and historical events which impacted the literary works during this time period.

Course title: Latin Literature, Flash Fiction and Postmodern Aesthetics

Credits: 3 US

Students will examine literary works of indigenous peoples to modern day writers in the Latin culture.


Course title: Geography and History of Spain

Credits: 3 US

The course focusses on this century’s social, cultural and political events to provide context to Spain’s historical make-up. Throughout the course, students will gain knowledge of the Spain’s landscape and geography as study the population, environment and every day life in Spain.

Course title: General History and History of Art in Spain

Credits: 3 US

Students will gain insight into the history and art history in Spain. They will understand the socio-economic, cultural and political events in the last century and the influence it had on the style and techniques of the Spanish art scene. 


Course title: Spanish Civilization and Culture and Islamic Culture in Spain

Credits: 3 US

This course will review the basics of Spanish culture and is geared towards educating students on what makes up the term ‘Spaniard’. Further, this course will review Islamic culture focusing on Arabic culture first. Followed by how the Islamic culture intersects with Spanish culture, specifically the nature of these two cultures making up the Al-Andalus region in the Spanish-Arabic city of Granada and the Alhambra.

Course title: Spanish and Latin American Civilization and Culture

Credits: 3 US

This class investigates the Spanish versus the American Latin culture. Students will study the differences between someone who is considered a Spaniard and someone identifies as a Hispanic American. 

Course title: Spanish Business and the Legal System in Spain and European Union Legal System

Credits: 3 US

The Faculty of Law at the University of Granada is one of the top ranked programs in Spain and is nestled in the “judicial” capitol of Andalusia.  This is a great course for students who are interested in doing business in Spain in the future or understanding how business culture impacts industry. This course is great for those studying a variety of majors but have a keen interest learning about different legal systems and business practices in Spain.

Intensive Language and Culture Courses – 1.5 credits


Course title: The Diversity of Spanish in the World

Credits: 1.5 US

Communicative competence of a speaker consists of not only mastery of the four language skills, but also knowledge of linguistic registers the language offers in generational, geographical terms etc.. and recognition of the pragmatic factors involved in the speech context.

This material is intended for students to become familiar with colloquial Spanish that they be able to discriminate the main diatopic, diastratic and diaphasic modes of current Spanish.

Course title: Introduction to Spanish Business Language

Credits: 1.5 US

This course is aimed at students with an intermediate language level. The student will be able to learn about the world of business, trade and the economy from a theoretical and practical point of view.

The basis of this course consists of three different areas: the business world, business correspondence and the lexicon.

This course is designed for those students who wish to have an overview of the issues that encompass the business world, as well as those who wish to acquire knowledge needed to deal with the working world.

Scheduled activities provide students with the training necessary to prepare the Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid basic business Spanish certified tests.

Course title: English-Spanish Translation

Credits: 1.5 US 

This course offers learning approaches to understanding the competencies needed for translation. It highlights the mediation skills and communicative process of understanding translation. Students will learn the main techniques for translation and also, the challenges that arise from being an interpreter. 


Course title: Spanish Literature

Credits: 1.5 US

The basic objective of this subject is to provide students an approach to Spanish literature, both its history and its most outstanding authors. In order to familiarize the students with the texts, the study of the texts should be the priority activity of the subject. Whenever deemed appropriate, works or fragments of works that provide knowledge of the subject will be used, and in the remaining cases students will be taught about the most representative authors of an era or a literary movement.

Course title: Latin American Literature

Credits: 1.5 US

The aim of this course is to take a tour of literary production in Latin America. The period covered is the twentieth century to the present.

Obviously, given the limited hours of the course, a selection of authors and works will be made trying to always convey to students the reality of the vast literary production and  its diversity. We will work with texts selected by the teacher that students will read and work with at home to get a good understanding of the aforementioned texts. The classroom will essentially be communicative work in which both teacher and students will present their views and discussion will be created.

Furthermore, in the development of this subject, the texts will be accompanied by more extensive information about the context in which these productions arise and, in general, politics, social, … economic situations of the time.

Course title: Flash Fiction and Postmodern Aesthetics

Credits: 1.5 US

This subject aims to be an approach to flash fiction, the paradigmatic narrative genre of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, from its origins to contemporary productions.  Throughout the course, the different Spanish and Latin American traditions will be explored, investigating the formal and stylistic characteristics of the short stories through the analysis of the most representative texts of the genre.s

Language and Culture Courses Continued – 1.5 credit


Course title: Geography of Spain

Credits: 1.5 US

This course is intended to give general knowledge of the country through the geographical study of the natural environment, population, economic activities and the regional reality.

Course title: History of Spain

Credits: 1.5 US

This course is intended to give general knowledge of the country through the geographical study of the natural environment, population, economic activities and the regional reality.

Course title: History of Art in Spain

Credits: 1.5 US

The purpose of this subject is primarily the initiation and understanding of this discipline, through a historical and artistic tour of the main stylistic languages that define the unique characteristics of Spanish art. The richness and extension of the field calls for a demarcation of the themes in close correspondence with the cultural environment of Granada which allows, on one hand, a closer relationship with the artistic act and, second, a better assimilation of the aesthetic content developed as a priority in the program.


Course title: Spanish Civilization and Culture

Credits: 1.5 US

This course aims to explain and elaborate on what are considered to be the basic points of what has been called the Spanish culture. Emphasis will be placed on both the topics and the specific characteristics of the different aspects of a very specific syllabus conceived as a complement to other subjects in the Hispanic Studies Course. It is designed to cover cultural aspects of different fields and in this section in question we inter-relate whenever possible, while there will be a thorough and detailed studies of phenomena universally regarded as genuinely Spanish.

Course title: Islamic Culture in Spain

Credits: 1.5 US

The course is divided into two blocks where the most important aspects of Hispano- Muslim Civilization will be related, introducing the Arabic culture in general in Block I. The objectives of the course will focus on the student being able to understand the reality of Al- Andalus at a political, economic, social and cultural level (Block II). As the city is the nucleus where these aspects interrelate, area B has been dedicated to the Hispano-Arab city with special emphasis to Granada and the Alhambra.

Course title: Latin American Civilization and Culture

Credits: 1.5 US

This course aims to explain and provide knowledge of the basic elements of Hispanic culture. We will discuss those issues that are now models of understanding of contemporary reality of Latin America. The main objective is to provide a closer understanding of the complex reality of peoples who are the result of a laborious process of acculturation.

Course title: The Legal System in Spain and the European Union (offered the first two weeks of June)

Credits: 1.5 US

The Faculty of Law at the University of Granada is one of the top ranked programs in Spain and is nestled in the “judicial” capitol of Andalusia. This course is great for those studying a variety of majors but have a keen interest learning about different legal systems.

Course title: Spanish Business Law (offered in June only)

Credits: 1.5 US

This is a great course for students who are interested in doing business in Spain in the future or understanding how business culture impacts industry. 


Renewable Energies (offered the last two weeks of June)

Credits: 1.5 US

Students will gain theoretical and also, practical skills knowledge in relation to energy and the sustainability industry. Students will learn about  alternative energy systems specifically around electrical energy.

Need more information, let us know!.

Cara Simon - Learn International

How To Get In Touch

If you want to talk to me about your summer abroad please email me today to set up a call.

Cara Simon, COO