Staff Corner: From the remote desk of Cara Simon
Current location: New York, USA
The new year is celebrated in so many ways around the world and means different things to all of us. Many of us like resolutions, whether we stick by them or not. Some of us can’t be bothered with the end of year and new year. Others, like myself, like to reflect on the year that has passed and daydream about the year ahead.
With the year of “unknowns” coming to an end, I find myself thinking and replaying all that has happened, not just to me personally, but to those I care about and on the global scale. I have never, like most others, experienced a year such as this. It’s something we all can relate to on some level no matter where we are from. That in its own self is pretty significant. A year that we as humans can ALL relate to one another.

In my reverie, I think about how this year has innately changed our thoughts, how we adapt and how we survive, both personally and collectively as the human race. We may not yet know how 2020 has changed us, but in time that story will unfold. I personally welcome the narrative.
In the final hours of 2020, it would be easy to replay all the ups/downs, anger, frustration, fear and uncertainty we have likely all felt at some point this year. I encourage all of you to acknowledge and accept the not-so-fun-parts of the year for what they are and let go of all you cannot control or even change from yesterday and beyond. Instead, try to reflect on all that this year has offered you, or how it has challenged you or how it has protected you, or even the lessons you may have learned, are still learning or still need to learn.
Perhaps think about what things you may have taken for granted before 2020 and perhaps no longer take for granted because of 2020. What parts of your life do you want to hold onto for the future and what areas are you ready to let go of?
Envision what you want out of 2021 and get planning on how you will achieve your wants and goals. As we saw in 2020, while we cannot control what happens around us, we can control our actions and our goals for the future.
With every hardship, there is a silver lining. If you already know your own silver linings for 2020, perhaps someone you know has not or cannot find them – and they need your help. It is incumbent upon us all to ensure that we do not lose the wonderful sense of community and universal support that we have developed in 2020. In my opinion, this is one of the biggest silver linings from the whole sordid period.
As “unique,” or that infamous word “unprecedented,” as 2020 is or was, remember that no matter what, that you did your very best.
Silver linings during 2020
I wish you all a very safe, happy and peaceful New Year!
You will shine in 2021.

How To Get In Touch
If you want to talk to me, please email me today to set up a call.