It was not an easy task adapting to public transportation. In America, I never had to use it. I have my own car and only ever drove places. Now that I am not in control of getting places by myself, I have had to check train and bus schedules and pick the best time for me. The scheduled times do not always work great. Some times are too early and I am left waiting around, and other times are too late and I have to rush to get to where I am going. I also have to do a lot more walking to get to places now that I rely on public transportation to get around. Living in the city is so different than living in the country where I am used to. Everything is close together and far apart at the same time. Places seem closer when you are driving as supposed to walking.
Just this week, I was off on Friday and planned a day full of touristy fun. I went to the art, history, and science museums, as well as the Trinity College area and Merrion Square Park. To prepare for the day, I had to pick the DART train times that worked best for me. I had to figure out how to get from place to place without having GPS as a guide as well. I decided to walk place to place because they were all pretty close to each other. Not having internet is a whole new adaptation I have had to make. No internet while being out is extremely difficult, given that I never know where I am. The good thing about public transportation is that a new bus and train come every 10-15 minutes, so even if I miss the train or bus I am aiming for, I will still get a ride. I am getting better at finding my way around and getting to places on time. That is all I can ask for.