As I got ready to start another adventure to a whole new part of the world, I began to become extremely excited knowing that it was getting close to time to get on the plane for what I’m sure will feel like days. I always get anxious when I start to pack for long trips, and although this one is not nearly as long as some past ones I have been on, it will be the furthest I have gone from home, so this time my frantic packing seemed to be much worse! This will now be the second holiday this year that I will not spend with my family due to traveling, which makes me feel upset for not being with them. However, I am beyond thankful for the opportunity and for the support from my family and how great they are about making sure that I take every opportunity presented.

It is a hard concept for me to grasp that part of the world does experience Christmas and New Year’s Day in what we would consider spring weather. Being in a different country and experiencing how people in New Zealand celebrate New Year’s Day is something that I have been looking forward to for months. Although I am excited for that, I have a list a mile long of what I am excited to see and do. Every new country brings new experiences, new memories, new friendships and connections, and new outlooks on life. Gaining a new perspective and appreciation for what I have and what I get to experience is what I am looking forward to the most from this trip.
– Cheyenne Eldridge, New Mexico State University