Staff Corner: Michelle's little remote hamlet
Current location: Rural Dublin, Ireland
Anna's question to Michelle:
What is the craziest thing you've ever done in your life?
Define crazy. What’s crazy to one person might not seem crazy to others. Many people I’m sure said that I was pretty crazy to run off and get married in Las Vegas. I never saw that as being crazy, just the next step in my journey. The marriage has since been dissolved, but I’m quite confident it lasted far longer than your average Vegas marriage (nearly 10 years, as opposed to 10 hours).
Along the same lines, I’m certain even more people said I was crazy in 2018 when I quit my aforementioned job in international education and went to Spain for two months to walk the Camino de Santiago.
If that weren’t drastic enough for them, upon returning home, instead of getting a new job, I packed up my entire life into 70+ boxes, loaded my pets into IATA-approved boxes and flew us back to Ireland, where I’d nothing but friends and the absolute sheer determination to start over and find success. Two years later, almost to the day, while many from home might identify some failings in the initial outcome, I can only see the successes, and I’m very, very happy with my decision. #noregrets
Walking the Camino de Santiago then moving across the Atlantic
“Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to.”
Alan Keightley

How To Get In Touch
If you want to talk to me about internships or study abroad, please email me today to set up a call.