Staff Corner: From the remote desk of Anna Zlotorzynska
Current location: Monasterevin, Co. Kildare, Ireland
“You never know what’s around the corner - a short sentence, so much in it.”
Here we are. I don’t know a single person who would expect what we are experiencing at the moment. COVID-19 appeared in our lives and it looks like it is going to stay for some period of time… no matter if we were ready or not, it’s here and we have to cope.
COVID-19 is affecting individuals, businesses and the world as a whole… it’s affecting my own, perfect, organised universe. Now my husband is my hairdresser, my kids are my office mates and my time is divided into multiple sections. Everything feels upside down!
In the past (not so long ago!) I used to find working from home very peaceful and beneficial; a time when you are not distracted by your colleagues (as much as I love them), a time when you could be more efficient; a time when you could give 200% of you towards work. That time has changed for me… and it has changed a lot!
For better or worse?… It’s hard to say! With kids on board and a husband being an essential worker (meaning he is not home 5 days a week), working from home is challenging.

Remote office space - a wardrobe converted to a mini office.
Usually I’m starting early in the morning, so I can do some work before the kiddies are up, then going through the day is really on a day-by-day basis. I have charts and day plans for my girls schooling – my girls are 7 and 5.5 years old (no she is not 5 – you try to tell her she is “just 5 years old” and watch out, lol). My kids understand a lot; they know time and rules, but they are still kids and they need me during the day. Full stop. They need me. To give a hug when they fall, to make a tea, to give a solution to a very, incredibly hard topic, to tie laces, to reach for a ball from the roof; the list is endless.
I’m a mother, a wife, an employee… I had a difficult time last week and with my friend’s help I realised that I don’t have to choose between these roles. I am multi-functional. I always was multi-functional, but now I have to adjust all my skills a little bit – to adapt. PS. Thank you friend, you know I’m talking about you :*
My kids are so smart and I’m so proud of them. Being remote is giving me the opportunity to be with them during the day and despite the challenges, I love it! And yea the conversations they have between themselves are priceless! I really had no clue how actually smart they are, shame on me!

Working from home with kids involves setting boundaries and getting them involved.

"Importing Meeting"
Being a Learn worker makes things so much easier. I love my job and my team is the best ever. I wish every person in the world could say the same about their work. I’m doing my best to help our employees to get through this difficult time. I made friends in Revenue and Social Welfare by ringing them every day and spending hours on the phone calls! Every little helps!
I will keep going, day by day, giving and getting as much as possible in these uncertain times.
Being thankful for all: For my family being well and safe, for my incredible kids, my one in a million husband, my dream job and the people who are keeping us all safe. Our role is to follow the rules. Keep social distance, wash your hands, stay home and be responsible. I can do it, so can you!
Talk later!
I can do it, so can you!

How To Get In Touch
If you want to talk to me, please email me today to set up a call.