Hello! My name is Katie May and I am a second-year Student Affairs in Higher Education graduate student from Indiana State University.
I first decided to study abroad in Ireland in May of 2016 with a group from Indiana State University. We worked in Trim, Ireland for two weeks as part of a service learning group. Originally, I decided to go to Ireland because I had never had a chance to leave the United States before. Indiana State University worked with Learn International to provide an affordable trip.

In November, I was told about a possible internship with Learn International in Ireland. I was very excited to for the opportunity to go back to Ireland. I am finishing up my master’s program online while working for Learn International. This internship will help me in my field by providing me with study abroad advising skills and helping me gain experience with program management. This placement was an additional hands-on experience in addition to what my program required, so hopefully that makes me competitive in the job market!
Ireland is an amazing place to study abroad. Everyone is super friendly and helpful. My first week of interning in Ireland has been a great experience!
– Katie May, Indiana State University