This weekend my co-intern and I had the opportunity to go out to Galway to meet and interview a couple of our other interns. After finishing up work we had the rest of the weekend to to explore Galway and on Saturday we took an excursion to the Cliffs of Moher.
This weekend was my first time experiencing a hostel and I have to say it definitely exceeded my expectations. I think a lot of people, including myself, have a negative perception towards hostels but this one blew my mind. When we were checking in the staff was incredibly friendly and welcoming and there were people in all the common areas. The bed was surprisingly comfortable and had a curtain that pulled all the way across to offer privacy as well as loads of plug ins to charge your phone and other electronics. To my surprise the bathrooms were also incredibly clean and well kept, and the heating and water pressure in the showers were great. Of course, not all hostels in Europe are going to be as nice as this one but still people seem to think they are a lot worse than they actually are. I for sure give this one Five Stars!
The next day, us four interns took a tour of the Cliffs of Moher, seen in movies such as Harry Potter, and they were much more beautiful in real life. The entire day our tour guide told us to be very careful because many people have died falling off the cliffs, but I obviously didn’t listen because I love the thrill and I’ll do anything for a good Instagram picture. I still would not recommend getting too close to the edge because it is extremely dangerous, especially in windy weather, but I would encourage everyone to go experience the cliffs if they have the chance to. The views are amazing!