As a semi recent grad school graduate from Loyola University Chicago, I was eager to step into the work world with my Masters in International Higher Education. I had completed a prior internship at the end of my Masters and then applied for the Working Holiday Authorisation for Ireland to be able to work in Ireland. After a couple of months at home, I wanted to pursue an opportunity in Ireland that focused on my skills and qualifications. With some luck I came across Learn International on a google search. I reached out inquiring about their internship opportunities with the intent of an opportunity to work with Learn, understanding Learn focuses on international student internship placement. I received a quick response and was able to set up a Skype call with Learn’s Internship Abroad Coordinator. I was able to get a clear understanding of what Learn is all about. I was extremely interested when the Internship Abroad Coordinator dug deep with sharing how the Learn team is an office of people committed to the development of study abroad opportunities. I was drawn to joining this team.
I was then able to speak with the Co-Founder and COO of Learn and began to finalise the details of pursuing an internship with and at Learn. It was a quick turnaround after my verbal consent. I completed the paperwork and booked a flight for two weeks later. I was motivated to return to Ireland, having travelled there before, and equally motivated to learn and share my skills relevant to study abroad.
Ireland has been on my radar to travel to for awhile. I am a seasoned traveller with exploring over sixty counties and Ireland was on the top of my list. Ireland has been close to my heart because of my Irish heritage. Growing up in an Irish home, allowed us to celebrate our Irish roots not just on March 17th. Irish celebration including my Gramma making Irish soda bread religiously during my childhood and going to Irish Festivals every summer to listen to the Irish bands, eat the cuisine, and watch rugby match tournaments. So it only made sense to complete an internship in Ireland, where I could focus on my career and be able to call Ireland home for an extended amount of time.