Staff Corner: Chris Lawlor
Current location: New York, USA
"Carpe diem!" Horace
We all have our own set of internal rules, morals and, for want of a better phrase, standard operating procedures and code(s) by which we live our lives. They are crafted through our individual experiences. What one person sees as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in a particular situation, may be diametrically opposed to the views of another individual. These approaches are echoes of the personal upbringing, domestic and international cultural influences and those personal experiences that people have along life’s journey.
I am lucky to have had very few regrets in my life to date. I had a sheltered upbringing and have never wanted for anything of actual significance. For this I am eternally grateful to my family and whatever energy is responsible for putting us on this little rock in the middle of nowhere.
When I was a kid, I first heard my Dad utter the words carpe diem. I was confused and asked for an explanation. I’d never heard either word before. ‘Seize the Day!!’ he proclaimed, loud and proud, over the breakfast table, and then promptly changed the subject, satisfied that he had thoroughly explained this notion.
I remember this like it was yesterday, and while it took a few years for it to click, for some reason, from that day, the phrase has resonated with me. As situations confronted me, I began to rely on and refer to my new found code for life. When in doubt… carpe diem.
When an opportunity presents itself, check it against your personal moral code, and if it passes, carpe diem!

This process has brought me from a small village in Ireland to travelling, living and working across the globe. I am privileged in that for many reasons, some of these decisions came easier to me than those less fortunate; but the sentiment remains the same.
When an unexpected opportunity crops up, something that will challenge you, that will humble you or that is an opportunity to learn, explore, experience beyond your current sphere of comfort and knowledge, grab it with both hands. Do it today and do it with 100% conviction.