Staff Corner: From the remote desk of Anna Zlotorzynska
Current location: Monasterevin, Co. Kildare, Ireland
"Our contradictoriness. We are in such a hurry to grow up, and then we long for our lost childhood. We make ourselves ill earning money, and then spend all our money on getting well again. We think so much about the future that we neglect the present, and thus experience neither the present nor the future. We live as if we were never going to die, and die as if we had never lived." - Paulo Coelho
There has never been better time to stop, stop and think, about what’s important, about priorities and what really matters. We may always know family, friends and health are the biggest principals – but have we really acted like this would be the case? I’m not so sure. We are running through our lives, very often without thinking about it.
We get so used to everything we have that sometimes we forget to be grateful for these simple little things. My husband, my kids and I were playing a fun game the other day (thank you Michelle for introducing this game to me :)). The game is called: ‘When it’s all over’. The rules are simple – you just have to say what you are going to do when COVID-19 is all over. In times of COVID-19, it’s rather obvious what most of us think about when saying ‘’when it’s all over’’, but it can be simply adapted to any situation in your life, the possibilities are endless. We had lots of fun when playing and making up all these things we will do… But it turned out to be something bigger than a family game… My kids wished to meet family again, playing with friends at the front of the house, going back to school… The adults’ wishes were very similar – see family, stay healthy… And then I realised that if we would have played this game a few months ago our wishes would be completely different. Less important, more shallow.
This simple and funny game was the best example of how we had re-thought the value system. But it is not only about reminding to ourselves what’s most important. It is hard to believe now, but COVID-19 will pass, life will go back to normal, or something similar to what we used to know as normal, only one little thought – may we never forget about what we were wishing for in times when we couldn’t have it.
So - when it’s all over - I want to never forget what really matters.

Our daily walk "around the block".
The girls collect rubbish along the way.
Do you have time to play?
What you are going to do when it’s all over?

How To Get In Touch
If you want to talk to me, please email me today to set up a call.