Staff Corner

Twenty Questions: Chris’s First

Remember the game "Twenty Questions?" Learn has played it blogging-style. We each asked the other one different question. The results are as interesting as they are diverse!
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Staff Corner: Chris Lawlor
Current location: County Wexford, Ireland

Cara's question to Chris:

Is there an activity you used to do that you would like to start again or perhaps have started again and why?

When I lived in Australia, I kiteboarded for two years. I brought the gear with me when I came back to Ireland. It has lain in the closet unused for a decade. 2020 is the year to get back to it. Embracing the outdoors is something that my life has sorely missed for the past few years. 

I have had a lot of time in these first few months of this year to consider why it has taken me ten years to consider doing this, and it comes down to action or inaction. The latter is the case here. Every day there are a myriad of reasons that something doesn’t get done, but there is only one reason that it does get done… action. Just go and do it. 

Kiteboarding in Oz

Prepping a programme in the middle of January this year had me driving through a remote West of Ireland community when I spotted a kite on a grey, windy day. I pulled over and spent 15 minutes watching this lone kiter gliding effortlessly over the relatively calm waters of a shallow lake. I was mesmerized and resigned to get my bum in gear and make 2020 the return to kiting year. 

I will have an amount of retraining to do, but I am looking forward to getting back out on the water, feeling and interacting with the elements again… albeit in a wetsuit this time!

Kiteboarding in Austalia

I will have an amount of retraining to do, but I am looking forward to getting back out on the water, feeling and interacting with the elements again... albeit in a wetsuit this time!

chris lawlor

How To Get In Touch

If you want to get in touch with me, please email me today to set up a call.

Chris Lawlor

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