I have met up with a fellow American this past week in Dublin. It was difficult, at first, communicating and trying to make plans to get together. We got each others numbers through a common contact and were able to Whatsapp each other. At our first attempt to meet up, I could not get a bus or train into town at an early enough time to make the train for Carlow, where she is living. Our plans for that day had to be postponed because I could not make it there. This week, we were able to meet up in Dublin. It was my first time using the LUAS and traveling to areas of Dublin I have not seen. We went to the Dublin castle, the history museum, the wax museum, and a very cozy pub. We had a great day and really got to know each other. We are hoping to meet up this coming weekend in Galway! I am so excited to visit more of Ireland.

Also, this week, my host sister and I are planning to go to a Halloween maze. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I love going out and getting scared. At first, I was nervous about asking her if she wanted to go, but after I asked she was so excited. We will be going in to Dublin city center this Sunday to do the scary mazes of “The Nightmare Realm”! We are both very excited. I am glad I got the courage to ask or I would be missing out on this opportunity to get out and enjoy my favorite holiday. I will be having a very eventful weekend and I cannot wait!